> The Darkener's Console

You would need a machete to go further west.

Archive for the ‘Nature’ Category

Repetition —

You wanna know the secret to success? Repetition. It’s no more complex than that. Music and rhetoric. Art and politics. You wanna steer a people? Repetition. We’re all fucking apes. We think we’re so smart, so evolved… go fuck yourself. We’re animals, feeding off of the umbilical residue of generations before us… In the end, […]

Boulevard Park —

We ordered Mexican food from a local place off of E. Holly St. and took it down to Boulevard Park. We found a nice picnic bench and as we made our way toward it, a man played a Melodica. The Sun was setting beautifully over the islands. There were many people there, yet the park […]

Tesla – Solution —

Back before Elon Musk’s electric car company, there was the rock band that actually wanted to be named “City Kidd”. They got the message back then about global warming. I had the CD this track was on when it came out. I was a teenager and recently obtained it again in my early 40’s. I […]

Breathing —

I’ve found that a good way to concentrate on breathing and remain in the moment is to understand that by consciously breathing, my actual consciousness is synchronizing with my body. Syncing up like this manifests the blissfully lucid energy that is usually trapped dormant within the confines of my soul, taken hostage by obsessive thought […]

Balance is Contagious —

Balance is EVERYTHING. If we can learn balance, we can undo what has been done. If we can learn balance, we can remember who we are. If we can learn balance, we will re-sync with nature. If we can learn balance, we will realize that peace has always existed. If we can learn balance, and […]

“…And What Have We Learned?” —

The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought sickness, death and fear to the human species. The scientists of the world have created a vaccine, specifically designed to inoculate humans against the virus. Less the anti-vaxers, humans everywhere have spotted a bright shining light in the distance – one of hope for the future. One that broadcasts that […]

Warrior Spirit —

The season is coming back around and I feel the power….of the WARRIORS! I am so happy he made yt videos. I’m in the spirit to harness the energy. BRING IT ON!! (lol) P.S. I just realized that the post linked above was literally made six years and one day apart from this one. Not […]

COVID-19 Daily Deaths as of 2021/04/07 —

I find it interesting how the death rate was literally the highest at 2021/01/20, then started to fall drastically. Hmm, what happened on 2021/01/20? P.S. Annual death rate of influenza (the flu) in the U.S. is ~36,500. That’s an average taken from between 2010-2020. COVID-19 death rate is currently 560,000 for around 15 months. That’s […]

Every 28 Days —

The ‘week’ is a superficial construct. It’s not entirely natural, though maybe not ill intentioned. 7 days in a cycle, multiplied by 4 cycles a month. Months ‘swagger’ back and forth to compensate. The “alternative” (/s) to this manmade time-container is a more natural cycle of the moon. Something real and physical, visible and consistent. […]

Black Lives Matter —

I hate this term. It gives the impression that someone else’s perspective is at center stage and they’re feeling sympathetic toward the ‘poor little dark skinned people’, the ones who need to be stuck up for. “You matter too, sweetie!” ..makes me wanna wretch. What I’m saying is, I’m sad that we have not evolved […]

“Nature’s Responses” —

Kill me and I’ll Kill you first I’ve already rehearsed You worried of fire and flood Of tainted blood Now buried in mud But you kept hurting me With white hot machines Your toxic regimes But now I can see And now you can’t breathe Ironic it seems So how does it feel? Now is […]

Race —

This article is a very interesting history of Rock ‘n Roll music and the subject of race in its upbringing and subsequent widespread popularity. I’m not old enough to have experienced what it describes but the Internet is filling in a lot of gaps for me. It’s very interesting how *who* played Rock ‘n Roll […]

Collective Consciousness —

Some days I feel like the collective consciousness has immense power. Like the stories you hear about large group meditation causing measurable decreases in crime of that particular area. I feel like when large national/world events (I’m looking at you, Democratic debates) seemingly cause even those who aren’t paying attention (me) to be in a […]

Money and Power —

“A US government report last year said the nation should invest more in supercomputing, to keep pace with China on defense projects such as nuclear weapons and hypersonic aircraft, and commercial innovations in aerospace, oil discovery, and pharmaceuticals.” But nothing about using it to study the global environment or, more specifically, reversing the trend of […]

Virtualization —

Having been researching different open source types of clustering + virtualization + cloud platform technologies (IPVS/LVS, Proxmox, corosync+pacemaker, and at the moment openstack). I feel it is a probability that, based on peoples’ ability to advance this kind of thing at such a rapid rate, that we’re all living in a simulation (virtualized environment/reality). Think […]