> The Darkener's Console

You would need a machete to go further west.

Archive for the ‘/dev/random’ Category

Weighted Upvotes —

I think the social media space needs weighted upvoting. What I mean by this is that you can upvote *more* than your ‘single-vote’ count, depending on your current allotment of…oh I don’t know.. “vote currency” ? Hopefully you know what I mean. Maybe you’d get a certain amount for how much time you spend on […]

Random idea #5478237 —

(straight from the stickynote..please forgive the run-on sentences, it was a very ‘stream-of-consciousness’ thing) A cartoon musical number where Donald Trump and Eric/Don Jr/etc. are there as kids asking what they should do since they won’t be able to afford some extravagant thing if the bank loan rate is that high, and Donald burst out […]

Memory #9272748 —

My grandparents on my mother’s side had a hearing aid business/office when I was little. I remember my parents dropping me off there on occasion to “work”, my grandparents assigning me some duties such as sorting the small glossy brochures for different products. I remember sorting through them as quickly and efficiently as possible, to […]

How to Conquer a People —

To conquer a people, you simply need to eliminate what binds them together: mutual trust, cooperation and love. Once these are gone, it’s simply a matter of directing them to serve your selfish fucking purpose under a guise of hope to get back to where they were before you infected them in the first place.

Muhahahaha!! —

I’ve been playing L.O.R.D. and have been sacrificing a lot of time saving my gold instead of incrementing up and losing a ton of gold in the process. My standing was on a steady decline. I was getting my ass handed to me on a daily basis. I was saving though, and marking milestones in […]

The Innocent —

Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through the greed of others, the innocent will pay Through […]

Public Service Announcement —

“You are having difficulties because you are fundamentally at conflict with your thoughts and feelings and you are using X as a weapon in this conflict. You are hoping that if you do X for long enough you won’t have to feel any of these difficult feelings. This is why it feels so uncomfortable and […]

School —

Today’s the first day of school for my boys. Though it’s only been 35 minutes, and they’re just in the other room, learning from their laptops, I’ve already checked off three items on my to-do list for today. I’m almost lost; not sure what to do. I usually have had at least 3 ‘opportunities’ to […]