> The Darkener's Console

There is an object which looks like a tube of toothpaste here.

Adjust Official Raspberry Pi 7″ Touchscreen LCD Brightness With Zenity —

Here’s a quick-n-dirty script for adjusting the Official Raspberry Pi 7″ Touchscreen LCD Brightness With Zenity (Tested on Raspbian):

# Sets the Raspberry Pi touchscreen brightness.

# Set variables

# Get desired brightness level
b=$("$zenity" \
--scale \
--value=120 \
--min-value=10 \
--max-value=254 \
--step=2 \
--title "Set LCD Brightness" \
--text "Please set desired brightness level:")

# Set desired brightness level
echo "$b" > /sys/class/backlight/10-0045/brightness

exit 0

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